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Agendas and Minutes

Agendas, agenda meeting papers (where applicable) and minutes are available here to download. If you would like access to previous minutes please contact the clerk in the first instance, for very old minutes you may be directed to the Norfolk Records Office.


Agendas are posted here at least three days before a meeting and draft minutes are usually available within two weeks of a meeting, with approved minutes published after the following meeting.


2024 Meetings


Tuesday 26th November  Agenda  Receipts and Invoices   |  Draft budget Grass cutting quotes Proposed meeting dates  |  Website quote  

Draft Minutes


Tuesday 22nd October   Agenda  |   Receipts and Invoices  |    2nd quarter accounts    |   Draft minutes


Tuesday 24th September   Agenda  |  Receipts and Invoices  | Equality and Diversity Policy    |  Draft Minutes


Tuesday 16th July   Agenda First quarter accounts Receipts and Invoices Financial Regulations Internal Control Policy  |  FOI Publication Scheme Schedule of Charges  |  Guide to Information     Neighbourhood Plan feedback on old bridge â€‹  |  Minutes


Tuesday 25th June  Agenda   Receipts and Invoices  |  Complaints policy Risk Assessment Business Continuity Plan   |  Minutes    


Tuesday 21st May   Agenda  |  Receipts and Invoices  |  Standing orders  |  Internal audit report Annual Audit report 23/24  |  Accounting Statements 23/24 Annual Governance Statement 23/24   |  End of year accounts 23/24   |  Insurance Schedule  |  Community Action Norfolk Subscription  | Minutes


Tuesday 30th April   Agenda   |  Receipts and Invoices   Minutes


Tuesday 26th March   Agenda   |  Receipts and Invoices   Minutes          


Tuesday 27th February  Agenda  |  Reserves Policy 2024   | Receipts and Invoices  |  Minutes 


Tuesday 30th January  Agenda   Receipts and Invoices  |  3rd quarter accounts  |  Asset Register 23/24  |  Complying with Biodiversity Duty     Biodiversity Policy -  example Biodiversity action plan - example  |  Minutes


2023 Meetings


Tuesday 28th November  Agenda   | Receipts and Invoices   | Draft 24-25 budget   |  Parish Partnership Application  |  Minutes


Tuesday 7th November   Agenda  |  Receipts and invoices | Grass cutting quote - CGMGrass cutting quote - Excite  |  Neighbourhood Plan Draft Minutes  |  Neighbourhood Plan Draft terms of reference   Grass Cutting quote, Joy Avenue - CGM    |   Minutes


Tuesday 26th September   Agenda  | Receipts and invoices | Grass cutting options for village greenAccess to river from Joy AvenueDraft SNC PSPO  |  Community Emergency Plan Draft Example terms of referenceHealth and Safety PolicySocial Media Policy   |   Minutes


Tuesday 1st August    Agenda  |  Receipts and payments Letter to residents re Parish Partnership  |  Tree Quote  |  Armed Forces Covenant  |  1st Quarter Accounts     Grass cutting quote   Minutes


Tuesday 27th June   Agenda  | Receipts and payments  |  Data Protection PolicyInformation Audit | Privacy Statement (for website) | Data Retention Policy | D Day Anniversary Guide  |  Minutes


Tuesday 23rd May  |  Agenda   |  Internal audit report Annual Internal Audit report Annual Governance Statement 22-23 Accounting Statements 22-23    Insurance Schedule  |  Community Acton Norfolk Subscription  |   Receipts and Payments  | 2022-23 Accounts    |  Coronation Grant Report    |  Minutes


Tuesday 25th AprilAgenda  |    Receipts and Invoices   |    NALC Invoice  |   Norfolk PTS Quote  |   2022/23 End of year accounts    Minutes


Tuesday 28th March   |  Agenda   |   Receipts and Invoices   |   Draft Code of Conduct     |   Minutes


Tuesday 28th February  |  Agenda    | Receipts and Invoices  | Draft safeguarding policyDonation request   |  Minutes       


Tuesday 31st JanuaryAgenda   |  Receipts and invoices  |  3rd quarter accounts  |  Draft planning policy  |  Donation request    |  Minutes


Tuesday 10th January  |  Agenda   - meeting not quorate so did not go ahead       


2022 Meetings


Tuesday 29th November Agenda Receipts and Invoices   |  Neighbourhood Plan information  |  Minutes 


Tuesday 1st November | Agenda  |  Second Quarter Accounts   |  Minutes


Tuesday 27th September | Agenda  | Receipts and invoices | Draft Financial Regulations | Asset Report  Minutes 


Tuesday 26th July | Agenda | Receipts and Invoices | First Quarter Accounts | Parish Partnership  | Minutes


Tuesday 31 May | Agenda | Community Action Norfolk Subscription | Asset Register | Insurance ScheduleDraft Standing Orders | Internal Audit Report | Accounts 2021/22Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | AGAR | Donation Request   Minutes


Thursday 12 May | Agenda | Minutes


Tuesday 3 May | Agenda | Minutes


Tuesday 29 March | Agenda | Youth Club Report | Draft Advert for Clerk | Lone Worker Policy | Co-option Policy | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Minutes


Monday 14 March | Agenda Minutes


Tuesday 25 JanuaryAgenda | Draft Standing Orders | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Minutes


Tuesday 18 January Agenda | Minutes


Tuesday 11 JanuaryAgenda | Third Quarter Accounts | Reserves Policy | Draft Budget | Precept Examples | Minutes


2021 Meetings

Tuesday 30 November | Agenda | Asset Register | Half Year Accounts | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Draft Budget | 



Tuesday 9 November (additional meeting called to consider bus shelter repairs) | Agenda | Minutes


Tuesday 28 September | Agenda | Parish Partnership | Offshore Transmission Network | Proposed Grant Awarding Policy | Equality and Diversity Policy | Health and Safety Policy | South Norfolk Council's Accommodation Review | South Norfolk Council's Gambling Policy ReviewReceipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Long Stratton Planning Applications 2018/0111 & 2018/0112 | Minutes


Wednesday 21 July | Agenda | Parish Partnership | Annual Inspection | First quarter accountsReceipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts

| Minutes


Tuesday 4 May Agenda | Delegation to the Clerk | Norfolk ALC Subscription | CAN Subscription | Complaints Policy | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Internal Audit Report | Year-end Accounts | Certificate of Exemption | Annual Governance Statement | Accounting Statements | Minutes


Tuesday 30 March Agenda | Parish Action Plan 2008 | Armed Forces Covenant | 1 Million Trees for Norfolk Update | Annual Parish Meeting | NARS Donation Request | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Environmental Impact Assessment | Long Stratton By-pass PRoW Footpath 26 Consultation | Long Stratton Neighbourhood Plan Consultation | Minutes


Tuesday 26 January | Agenda | Laptop Prices | Parish Plan | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Minutes


Tuesday 12 JanuaryAgenda | Bank Reconciliation | Third Quarter Accounts | Reserves Policy | Draft Budget | Precept Examples | Minutes


2020 Meetings

Tuesday 24 November | Agenda | Asset Register | SNC Draft PSPO | Half Year Accounts | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Draft Budget | Minutes


Tuesday 29 September | Agenda | Social Media Policy | Financial Regulations | Internal Control Policy | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Minutes


Tuesday 14 July | Agenda | Junction Improvement Consultation | Internet Banking Options | Model Publication Scheme | Guide to Information | Schedule of Charges | Annual Asset Inspection | First Quarter AccountsReceipts and InvoicesStatement of Accounts | Minutes


Tuesday 26 MayAgenda | Business Continuity Plan | Risk Assessments | Internal Control Policy | National ALC Subscription | Norfolk ALC Subscription | CAN Membership | Asset Register | Internal Auditor's Report | Accounts 2019-20 | Certificate of Exemption | Annual Governance Statement | Accounting Statements | EACH Donation Request | Priscilla Bacon Donation Request | Marie Curie Donation RequestReceipts and Invoices May 2020 | Statement of Accounts | Minutes


Thursday 23 April | Agenda | Minutes

Wednesday 18 March | Agenda | Street Party Risk Assessment | Street Party List of Tasks | Junction Improvement Plan | Minutes


Tuesday 25 February | Agenda | Minutes


Tuesday 28 January | Agenda | NARS Donation RequestReceipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Minutes


Tuesday 14 January | Agenda | Third Quarter Accounts | Draft Reserves Policy | Draft Budget | Precept ExamplesMinutes



2019 Meetings

Tuesday 26 November | Agenda | Parish Partnership Scheme | Asset Register | Divisional Boundaries - Norfolk County Council | Norfolk Fire & Rescue draft IRMP | Norfolk Fire & Rescue draft IRMP letter | Long Stratton Neighbourhood Plan Consultation | Half Year Accounts | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Draft Budget | Minutes


Tuesday 24 SeptemberAgenda | Parish Partnership Scheme | Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan - 1 | Norfolk Minerals and Waste Local Plan - 2 | Donation Request - Citizens Advice | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts

 | Minutes

Tuesday 23 July Agenda | Book of Condolence | Parish Partnership Scheme | Donation Request - Age UK | Donation Request - Scotty's Little Soldiers | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Minutes 


Friday 14 June Agenda | Minutes 


Tuesday 14 May | Agenda | Bus Passenger Consultation | Insurance Schedule | Norfolk ALC | Annual Inspection | Internal Audit Report | Accounts 2018-19 | AGAR | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of AccountsData Protection Minutes | Minutes


Tuesday 26 March Agenda | Lone Worker Policy | Co-option Policy | Risk Assessments | Business Continuity PlanSAM 2 Risk Assessments | Internal Control Policy | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Planning Committee Terms of Reference | Minutes 


Tuesday 29th January | Agenda | Standing Orders | Financial Regulations | BRC Donation Request | CAB Donation Request | NARS Donation RequestReceipts and Invoices | Statement of AccountsMinutes


Tuesday 8th January | Agenda Third Quarter Accounts | Reserves Policy | Budget | Precept Notes | Precept Examples | Minutes 


2018 Meetings

Tuesday 27th November | Agenda | PCC Grant Request War Memorial | PCC Grant Request | Asset Register | GNLP Consultation | Shotesham Conservation Area Consultation | NCC Budget Consultation | Norwich Western Link Letter | Norwich Western Link Plan | Half Year Accounts | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Draft Budget | Minutes


Tuesday 25th September | Agenda | Replacement Grit Bins | Quote Post and Grit Bins | Equalities and Diversity Policy | Gambling Act Draft Statement of Policy | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Minutes


Tuesday 24th July | Agenda | Bin Options Kings Green | Key Documents and Policies | Model Publication Scheme | Guide to Information | Schedule of charges | Minerals and Waste ConsultationReceipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Minutes


Tuesday 29th May | Agenda | Delegation Arrangement to the Clerk | Norfolk ALC Membership 2018 | Annual Inspection 2018 | Complaints Policy | Open Space SPD Consultation Letter | Annual Internal Auditor Report | Internal Auditor Letter | Accounts 2017-18 | Annual Governance Statement | Accounting Statements | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Age UK Donation Request | Minutes 


Tuesday 27th March | Agenda | Saffron | Flordon Road Footpath | GDPR | Dog Waste Village Centre | Dog Bin Emptying | Risk Assessments 2018 | SAM 2 Risk Assessments | Internal Control Policy | CAN Membership Renewal | Ditch Maintenance Quote | Norwich Western Link | Norfolk Access Implementation Plan | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | NARS Donation Request | Minutes


Tuesday 30th January  | Agenda | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | LMN Tree Care Quote | LMN Tree Care Report | Third Quarter Accounts | Minutes


Tuesday 10th January (Budget Setting) | Agenda | Third Quarter Accounts | Reserves Policy | Budget 2018-19 | Precept Notes 2018-19 | Precept Examples | Minutes


2017 Meetings

Tuesday 28th November Agenda | SAM 2 Update | Westcotec Quote | Asset Register | Half Year Accounts | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Borderhopper | Draft Budget 2018-19 | Minutes


Tuesday 26th September | Agenda | SAM 2 Update | Tree Survey | Saffron Housing Trust | Hornsea Consultation | CPRE's Vision for Norfolk | Norfolk Planning Authorities' Draft Norfolk Strategic Framework Document | South Norfolk Council's Proposed Public Space Protection Order | South Norfolk Council's Community Governance Review | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | CAB Leaflet | CAB letter | External Auditor's Report | Minutes


Tuesday 18th July | Agenda | SAM 2 Update | Tree Survey Fee Proposal | Village Centre Website | Parish Partnership Scheme | Draft Open Space SPD Consultation | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Minutes


Tuesday 30th May | Agenda | Website Registrants and Views | Insurance Renewal | Norfolk ALC | Annual Inspections | Litter Bin Options Kings Green | Grit Bin Options Alan Avenue | Internal Auditor's Report | Accounts 2016-17 | Annual Governance Statement | Accounting Statements | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Norfolk Family Mediation | Minutes


Tuesday 25th April | Agenda | Minutes


Tuesday 28th March | Agenda | Website Registrants and views | Junction/Long Stratton By-pass Letter | Parish Partnership Scheme | Ditch Maintenance Quotes | CAN Membership | Business Continuity Plan | Risk Assessments | Internal Control Policy | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | NARS Donation Request | Minutes


Tuesday 31st January | Agenda | Standing Orders | Financial Regulations | Receipts and Invoices | Statement of Accounts | Age UK Norfolk Donation Request | Minutes 


Tuesday 17th January (Budget Setting) | Agenda | Draft Budget 2017-18 | Precept Notes | Reserves Policy | Minutes 


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