Annual Parish Meeting
Tuesday 30 April 2024
Newton Flotman Village Centre
7.30pm, refreshments served from 7pm
Every English parish must hold an annual meeting of the electors of the parish. This meeting must be held between 1st March and 1st June each year and is convened by the Chairman of the Parish Council. Newton Flotman usually holds its meeting in April and organisations in the Parish are invited to give a report on their work during the previous year. Refreshments are served before the meeting and it is a great opportunity to find out what the Parish Council and other village organisations have been doing during the past year, there is always an opportunity to have your say and to ask questions. Please note there was no meeting in 2020 due to Covid-19 restrictions.
Annual Parish Meeting 2024
Annual Parish Meeting 2023
Annual Parish Meeting 2022
Annual Parish Meeting 2021
Annual Parish Meeting 2019
Annual Parish Meeting 2018
Annual Parish Meeting 2017
Annual Parish Meeting 2016
Annual Parish Meeting 2015