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Parish Council meetings are normally held on the last Tuesday of the month (except August and December) in the Village Centre at 7.30pm. Agendas are posted on the parish council noticeboard on Lime Bank and the website at least three days beforehand. 


Public are welcome to attend all Parish Council meetings; there's an opportunity to speak and ask questions. 


Please note, if you would like an item to appear on the agenda, details must be sent to the Clerk at least ten days before the meeting. The Council is unable to make a decision on anything not included on the agenda but can discuss newly raised matters and refer them to the next meeting. 


Minutes of meetings are posted on the website and are available from the Clerk but remain in draft form until they are agreed at the next meeting. 


Meeting Dates 2025


Tuesday 28th January, 7:30pm, Village Centre

Tuesday 25th February, 7:30pm, Village Centre

Tuesday 25th March, 7:30pm, Village Centre

Tuesday 29th April, 7:30pm, Village Centre

Tuesday 20th May, 7;30pm, Church Room

Tuesday 24th June, 7:30pm, Village Centre

Tuesday 15th July, 7:30pm, Church Room

Tuesday 23rd September, 7:30pm, Village Centre

Tuesday 21st October, 7;30pm, Church Room

Tuesday 25th November, 7:30pm, Village Centre

 December – no meeting

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